
Auto Clicker en

Auto Clicker for Mac is a powerful and efficient tool that automates mouse clicks on your Mac computer. With this software, you can save time and effort by automating repetitive tasks that require…

Wersja: 1.0 Licencja: Trial Autor: Murgaa

BetterTouchTool en

Download the BetterTouchTool for MacEnhance your Mac experience with the BetterTouchTool, a powerful software that allows you to customize your touchpad and Magic Mouse gestures. With this tool, you…

Wersja: 4.157 Licencja: Freeware Autor: ANDREAS HEGENBERG

CursorSense en

CursorSense is a powerful application that allows you to adjust the acceleration and sensitivity of your cursor. With this tool, you can customize the cursor movement to match your hand movements,…

Wersja: 1.3 Licencja: Trial Autor: Plentycom Systems

Logitech Options en

Logitech Options is a versatile utility tool designed for Logitech peripheral users. With this software, you can easily customize and update your Logitech keyboards, touchpads, and mice. The…

Wersja: 8.36.76 Licencja: Freeware Autor: Logitech

SteerMouse en


Wersja: 4.2.6 Licencja: Trial Autor: Plentycom
name date downloads ratings

Auto Clicker en

Auto Clicker for Mac is a powerful and efficient tool that automates mouse clicks on your Mac computer. With this software, you can save time and effort by automating repetitive tasks that require…

Version: 1.0 License: Trial Author: Murgaa
2024-02-04 5

BetterTouchTool en

Download the BetterTouchTool for MacEnhance your Mac experience with the BetterTouchTool, a powerful software that allows you to customize your touchpad and Magic Mouse gestures. With this tool, you…

Version: 4.157 License: Freeware Author: ANDREAS HEGENBERG
2024-02-04 0

CursorSense en

CursorSense is a powerful application that allows you to adjust the acceleration and sensitivity of your cursor. With this tool, you can customize the cursor movement to match your hand movements,…

Version: 1.3 License: Trial Author: Plentycom Systems
2024-02-04 0

Logitech Options en

Logitech Options is a versatile utility tool designed for Logitech peripheral users. With this software, you can easily customize and update your Logitech keyboards, touchpads, and mice. The…

Version: 8.36.76 License: Freeware Author: Logitech
2024-02-04 3

SteerMouse en


Version: 4.2.6 License: Trial Author: Plentycom
2024-02-04 0

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