
Virtual Master - Android Clone APK 3.1.68

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Virtual Master - Android Clone APK is a free app for Android devices developed by Virtual Parallel Space Tech. It falls under the category of 'Utilities & Tools' and offers a range of features for Android users.

This program, which requires Android 13.0 and above, allows users to clone their Android devices and create virtual copies. With Virtual Master - Android Clone, users can easily duplicate their apps, games, and settings, enabling them to have multiple instances of their favorite apps running simultaneously.

One of the key benefits of Virtual Master - Android Clone is its ability to provide a separate and isolated environment for each cloned app. This means that users can use different accounts for the same app without any interference or conflicts. It also allows users to switch between different app instances effortlessly.

Virtual Master - Android Clone offers a user-friendly interface, making it easy for users to navigate and manage their cloned apps. The program is regularly updated to ensure compatibility with the latest Android versions and to provide users with the best experience.

Overall, Virtual Master - Android Clone APK is a useful tool for Android users who want to clone their apps and create virtual copies. It provides a convenient way to manage multiple accounts and instances of their favorite apps, all within a single device.

Utilities & Tools Android

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